What do you do when you think you may have had a close encounter of the supernatural kind? Take your true tale of terror to Reddit, of course.
We combed through r/Ghoststories to find some of the most chilling real-life ghost stories and inexplicable paranormal experiences shared by Reddit users.
And we learned that sometimes, it’s best to sleep in the middle of the bed. You know, in case someone decides to get in beside you.
“I saw a little boy hiding in the bathroom. I thought it was my little brother. It wasn’t him”.
Little brothers can be pesky, but not quite as pesky as ghosts, Reddit user liiinzz discovered.
“I was upstairs talking to my mum. The bathroom is to the right of my mum’s door. I was walking out of her room when I saw this little boy – aged 8 to 10 – with his head sticking out of the door looking at me.”
“It was kind of dark so I couldn’t see the face clearly. I thought it was my brother at first because my little brother is 10. When I took a step toward it, it immediately FLEW back into the bathroom out of my view. I HEARD the sound of its feet when it took a step back. Still thinking it was my brother, I follow it into the bathroom expecting to see my sibling. BUT NOPE. NOTHING. WAS. THERE.
“Then I hear my brother in his room. DOWNSTAIRS. There was no way for my little brother to get from the upstairs bathroom to his downstairs bedroom without moving past me.”
With her trucker husband on the road, Reddit user sensitive_queen was home alone one night when she woke to a terrifying apparition laying right beside her.