
Real Australians Say Welcome - the message being shared by talented artists across Australia.

It is an incredibly powerful truth, and these artists have found a beautiful way to share it.

Earlier this year, Australian artist Peter Drew designed a series of posters baring the slogan, “Real Australians say welcome.” He’s been putting them up all over Australia, raising more than $8000 to print up the posters and paste them on walls across the country through public donations on the crowd-funding site Pozible.

Image via Instagram: @kt63winnie

Drew told SBS inspiration for the project came from the second verse of the Australian national anthem: For those who’ve come across the seas, we’ve boundless plains to share.

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“It’s worth acknowledging that it’s natural to fear people that seem different and so it takes courage to welcome them or at least try to,” said Drew.

“I hope people see it here on the street and it makes them feel good about being Australian.”

“Should do 100 posters today.” Image via Instagram: @peterdrewarts

The project caught the eye of Lucy Feagins, editor of popular design website The Design Fileswho rallied fellow Australian artists to join in and further Drew’s message, encouraging and celebrating the nation’s multiculturalism.

This guy called @peterdrewarts from Adelaide seems like a total LEGEND. He designed and screen printed 1000 of these posters, and with a little help from a Pozible campaign, he’s putting them up all over Australia (in all 8 capital cities!) This week he has put nearly 200 up in Melbourne! Such a simple, powerful and positive gesture, at a time when racist rhetoric seems unbearably loud. I love Peter’s posters! But… I think his message might have legs to go even further…. so I hope Peter doesn’t mind me jumping on his bandwagon to issue a callout to all the talented Australian artists, illustrators, designers, typographers, stylists, photographers and image makers out there – if YOU create a flyer for Facebook or Instagram bearing this message, we’ll share it across @thedesignfiles social media , and we’ll encourage our followers to share your image too. Any takers? #realaustralianssaywelcome

A photo posted by Lucy (@thedesignfiles) on


The hashtag now has close to 2,000 posts, as creative Australians from all walks of life recognise that life in Australia should never be about fear, segregation or discrimination.

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It doesn’t matter if you are Australian born and bred, if your family arrived by plane, train or boat, or if your family has been here for 40,000 years – real Australians say welcome.

Here are just a few of the beautiful contributions to the campaign…


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