
Shocker, Hero and Whinger of the week.


Welcome to Shocker, Hero and Whinger of the Week.

Here’s how it works: Each week, we pick the biggest Shocker, Hero and Whinger from the last seven days. Shocker is whatever moment or person left our jaws on the floor. Hero is whoever won the week by being awesome. And whinger? Well, that’s pretty much just someone who has had a major sooky-la-la moment. Let’s do this.


Hero of the week goes to…

A genius school kid in the US who pulled off the most epic prank against a teacher, ever.

If their phones ring in class, this teacher makes the students answer the call on loudspeaker. So last week, one student organised to have someone from the local ‘pregnancy resource centre’ call her.

When the woman on the line told the female student she was pregnant in front of the whole class, the teacher FREAKED OUT.

Watch the hilarious video right here.


Shocker of the week goes to…

The rat that managed to terrify an entire train carriage full of commuters in New York City. He jumped on board just as the doors were closing and ran around like a crazy nightmare rodent until the next stop. If you’ve never seen a number of grown ups jump on their chairs and squeal in terror, you’re about to:


Whinger of the week goes to…

These babies trying lemons for the first time. Get it together, babies.

Watch the (slow-mo, of course) video of their priceless reactions right here.


What was your Shocker, Hero and Whinger of the week?



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