
"Are you worth someone trying to spike your drink?" A Perth nightclub's disturbing response to woman's claim of drink spiking.


An exchange between a young woman and Perth nightclub Rapture has gone viral, after the 19-year-old contacted the establishment about potentially having her drink spiked.

Shantel Smith contacted the club via Facebook, giving management details about her experiences on their premises.

“I just wanted to get in touch to let you know that I believe my drink was actually spiked on Saturday,” she wrote.

“I only had 2 or 3 drinks before I came in so I definitely wasn’t drunk, bought 1 drink from the bar and was then unconscious for the next 2.5 hours, vomiting & experiencing other common symptoms of a date rape drug,” she wrote.

“I know there’s nothing you can do about it now, but I think it definitely would be a good idea to consider increasing your security as Rapture is beginning to get a bad reputation as a dodgy club and I know for sure none of my friends or myself will be going there again,” she suggested.

The original message sent by Shantel to the club. Image: Facebook.

She went on to explain that two of her friends had the same experience of being drugged at the club in the past couple of weeks, pointing out that she didn't see a single bouncer inside the building.

The reply she got from the Rapture account first asked for proof, then questioned: Why would anyone want to spike your drink?

"Did you attend a hospital and have your stomach pumped for evidence?" the response continued.

"Is this something you and your friends regularly experience?"

Sidenote: Here are the hidden figures. Post continues after video.

Video by MMC

"Would you like a crowd controller to hold your drink for your next time you attend a nightclub?

"Do you think ten crowd controllers would be able to stop you having your drink spiked?

"Are you worth someone trying to spike your drink?

"We think this is a beat up and we believe no one would be stupid enough to waste their drugs on spiking someone's drink."

Rapture reply
The reply from Rapture. Image: supplied.

"Thank you for your professional response," Shantel replied.

Rapture's response has gone internationally viral since the exchange, with the business's Facebook page inundated with furious commenters.

Many locals have shared their own rude replies while dealing with the business.

Another highly inappropriate reply from Rapture nightclub. Image: Supplied.

Various media outlets, including Mamamia, have reached out for comment but Rapture is yet to respond.

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