
When it comes to raising babies, there's only one way.

By: Karisha Davies for Unique Mum.

I’ve had three vaginal deliveries and one caesarian. All my births took place exactly the way nature intended.

To me, they were all perfect.

I’ve had two births without pain relief, and two births with.

I knew my limits and I wasn’t afraid to ask for help when I needed it. I still kicked arse.

Karisha after the birth of one of her babies. Image supplied.

I've tried breastfeeding all four of my children but three of them were predominately formula fed by 4 months. My youngest though has never had a drop of formula in her life.

They're all still healthy and equally as smart as each other. I did the best I could. I hold my head up high.

I swaddled two of my children but I left two unwrapped and three of my children had a pacifier but one of them did not. I didn't take the easy way out by allowing them a comforter.

I simply recognised the tools that would help my baby settle. And I used them. Hell, I latched onto them as quick as I could.

I've co-slept with all four of them.

Karisha, giving birth. Image supplied.

One slept through by the time she was two weeks old, one slept through by the time she was six months old, my son didn't sleep through until he was four years old and my youngest at 18 months old still does not sleep through.


Co-sleeping hasn't created bad habits.

They will leave my bed when they are ready.

Two of my children eat any and everything but two are the fussiest eaters you'll ever meet. I haven't done anything different.

I've introduced all the same food at the same time. I've simply allowed them a choice to discover their own tastes.

Now I'm ready to do it all again.

I don't know what my growing bump will be like, what their likes and dislikes will be, their personality, but I do know they will be exactly the way they are supposed too be.

Karisha with some of her children. Image supplied.

The moral here is that there are no right ways. There are no wrong ways.

There isn't a "your" way - there is simply only baby's way.

Throw out all the textbooks. Listen to your baby. Answer their needs. Follow your instincts. Open your heart and everything will be just fine.

This post originally appeared on Unique Mum. You can also find Unique Mum on Facebook page and Instagram.

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