An Australian girl has become the internet’s biggest villain overnight after the photos from her 21st birthday party went viral. Planning to travel overseas and do aid work in the future, Olivia’s party was themed ‘This is Africa’ and she asked that guests come in fancy dress.
Here’s what happened next:
As you can see, Olivia – the 21-year-old host of the party (pictured as Cleopatra, above) – then posted the photos of her celebration on Facebook.
She’s since been publicly vilified. And not just on social media. A whole heap of international websites have jumped on the incredibly offensive photographs and labelled Olivia as racist.
Buzzfeed called their post: “The Incredibly Offensive Photos From An “African”-Themed 21st Birthday Party”. Jezebel called theirs: “Racist 21st party gleefully documented on Facebook”. Huffington Post went with: ‘African‘ Themed 21st Birthday Party Shows Attendees In ‘BlackFace’ And KKK Costumes.”
Locally, Pedestrian TV said the pictures “legitimised The Daily Show correspondent John Oliver’s observation that Australia is one of the most comfortably racist places he’s ever been.”