
"She was covered head-to-toe in Sudocrem": Rachael Finch shares her mum nails and fails.

Rachael Finch is a woman who manages to do a lot.

Australia knows her as a former Miss Universe Australia, a model, health coach (currently working with Groupon to launch a free workout to help Aussies beat the winter fitness blues), television and radio commenter and Myer Ambassador. Whilst she still fulfils many of these roles, she’s also added motherhood to her repertoire.​

Finch married Michael Miziner, her former Dancing With The Stars partner, in 2013. They have two children, Violet, 4, and Dominic, 1.

“Watching them grow is the best part of being a mum,” Finch tells Mamamia.

“It’s a magical thing to be able to raise a little soul in the world and be able to call them your own.”

It’s an experience that Finch is thoroughly enjoying.

“The first steps, the first time they do everything, it’s amazing to watch. We feel very blessed to have two happy, healthy kids – and to have one of each. That’s amazing.”

She adds, “I love the conversation, the energy, the love and support in the family, in our home.”

Which is why Finch would love to consider more children at a later stage. But for now, she and Michael are content.


“We are happy in the present moment – we love how things are going right now.”

Finch is quick to point out that it’s not easy, because parenting is a lot of work, and that things don’t always go smoothly.

“I find that not being there all the time is hard. You want to be there, and be their biggest role model and influence. So there are times when you walk out the door and wish you didn’t have to. But that’s life, with parents who work.”

It’s a feeling of ‘mummy guilt’ that many mothers can relate to – but the mum of two has a unique take on it. She addresses those concerns by taking Violet to work with her as much as she can, which she finds is hugely beneficial to her daughter.



A nappy cream explosion. Source: Supplied.

"It's so important that she experiences different environments. She's learning, developing, learning how to be flexible, all the time. At work with me, at day care twice and week, when she's with extended family - Violet is always adapting."

One of the things that helps Finch and her family stay on top of their busy schedule is a daily habit - a breakfast smoothie.


"The kids have a smoothie every morning, and they absolutely love it. It has banana, spinach, coconut milk, any sort of nut butter, avocado, chia seeds and oats. It's so good, because then I know everything that's needed to fuel the day has been taken care of."

Admitting that it's wonderful to know her kids really enjoy these fresh foods, Finch knows it's a parenting "nail" - but she also has a great parenting "fail" to share.

"When Violet was three, she was suddenly very quiet in her room...we went in to investigate and found her covered in head-to-toe nappy cream. Sudocrem was in her hair, on the soles of her feet, it was everywhere."



All parents learn how difficult the water-resistant cream is, and it's something that Finch discovered the hard way.

"I first tried to get it off with a moist cloth, and then we had to soak her in the tub, and it still didn't all come off," she laughs.

Whilst Finch doesn't want to appear to 'have it all together', she does explain that she's discovered that being organised, and having excellent communication, is the key to the success of every day.

"Communication is everything. We are very open about what needs to be done, and what our needs are. What we're feeling. That helps so much in us planning ahead."

And plan ahead they do. Finch uses her phone to document their activities and plans weekly, monthly, and even yearly, and she revisits those items regularly.

It's clear that family is a number one priority for Finch, not only from her attitude, but also on her social media platforms. Finch is very active on Facebook and Instagram, both personally and via the groups associated with her Body By Finch website. Her online experience has meant she's developed more confidence in sharing her life - and that of her family's - with her followers.


"As the kids get older, I've become more open. When I can see how much people connect with photos, it makes me happy. I've found it really positive."

She adds, "I love sharing with people around the world. It's the start of so many conversations. I think it's so important to find an online community that's your space - that's your people. Ignore the negatives, just as you would in real life. Block them. Concentrate on the positives, because the positives are so uplifting and powerful."

With fashion week 2 days away (I’m walking in the @bodbyrachaelfinch show, showcasing our latest collection woohoo!) I had to snap this pic this morning for you & post. Over 10 years ago when I used to model full time & walk on runways regularly I was 5kgs lighter than this photo!! It may not sound like a lot but with my height & frame believe me it was a lot. I was 52/53kg & would aim to sit around that weight permanently.. every meal felt like I was cheating & my periods were irregular. I was worried when clothes wouldn’t fit me in castings or job fittings.. Fast forward to my 29yr old self now. I’m 58/59kg, strong, fit, happy and have 2 amazing children who are also healthy & happy. It’s taken me years to learn to appreciate & understand how my body works and I’m thankful for everything it’s taken me through. This time 10 years ago I would of been smashing out 2-3hr cardio sessions & limiting what went in my body. Bottom line, work on how you FEEL & not just on how you look. Find energy, balance, joy & peace in just the way things are. Life is so much better that way. ???? My full online health + fitness program ????

A post shared by Rachael Finch (@rachael_finch) on


One such positive is the message Finch sends, and the support she receives, about fitness and body image.

Earlier this year, she was exceptionally candid as she detailed her struggles with her weight when she was a full-time model. In a frank Instagram post, she said it had taken her years to understand her body, and has come a long way since the time when she worried she wasn’t slim enough to be modelling.

Part of that journey for her has been the founding of her Body By Finch program, which is a holistic, yet not overwhelming, approach to feeling good.

"Most of our members are mothers, so we design work outs that can be done in your lounge room with no equipment, and under 30 minutes. It doesn't involve driving to the gym."

Finch feels it's so important that women have access to things such as a nutritionist, and a psychologist, and simple routines, as they plan their path to good health and wellbeing.

"We know women want to fall in love with the food they're eating. And most importantly, not feel overwhelmed with too much information."

"That's crucial to feeling good."

And that's something Finch knows a lot about, now more than ever.

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