In 1998, a little film came out called There’s Something About Mary. You might remember it.
For those of you who need a refresher, it was a gross-out rom-com. It had Cameron Diaz and Ben Stiller in it. And, in amongst the tale of Ted Stroehmann pursuing his high school love, the film featured a bit of risqué behaviour, culminating in a slightly cringeworthy sperm joke.
Ring any bells?
But there’s something else about There’s Something About Mary that you should know.
It was R-Rated.
Yep, back in 1998 the use of sperm as moisturiser and a frisky roommate’s dog got the film an R Rating, meaning that access was restricted to those older than 18.
Nowadays, it seems laughable that such a gross, granted, but relatively inoffensive film could be restricted to adult viewing. Because the bar for an R-Rating – and all classifications, for that manner – is slowly but surely being raised. But There’s Something About Mary is just the tip of the iceberg: Good Will Hunting, Saving Private Ryan and The Matrix are just some popular films which are adult, sure, but surely wouldn’t be given their R rating if they were released in 2013.
The issue is most prominent in the action/sci-fi genre, where the classification of violence and gore is slowly becoming relaxed and R rated films are becoming less common.