“Mum. Mummy? MUM! Muuuuuuuummmmmm!”
Kids are creative. They can say this one word a thousand different ways in one day. My four-year-old asked me not long ago, “What’s your name?”
I laughed, amused and a little puzzled.
“It’s Katie,” I said. “You know that!”
Things mums NEVER say. Post continues below.
“Oh yeah, ” he giggled.
Wow, did he forget my name? I can’t really blame him. We always play the silly game where he says, “Mum,” and I say, “That’s my name, don’t wear it out!”
But it was worn out. I was worn out.
My husband came home the other night and greeted everyone. Lastly, he came to me and said, “And how are you doing mum?”
I handed him the baby and announced, “I’m having a shower.”
In the bathroom, I stared at myself in the mirror. “Katie,” I said. “Katie, Katie, Katie.”
I called a friend and stayed silent for a minute until she said, “Katie, Kate? You there?”
Yes, I thought, relieved. I am still here.
It’s just that being a mum is all the things. You have to be all the things. You are the fixer of the problems, the chef, the teacher, the judge, the jury, the finder of all things lost.