
Heartbreaking petition asking school to stop bullying making Tayla's life a misery.

Tayla says bullying has made her life “a living hell” and that her school is doing nothing to protect her. Now she’s asking for your help.

“Other people in my class throw things at me and film it on their phones. They tell me they’re going to upload it to the net.”

People often describe high school as the best years of their lives. But for 12-year-old Queensland student, Tayla, it’s become “a living hell”.

Everyday her bullies shove her, insult her, tell her to commit suicide. And she’s had enough.

In a heartbreaking petition, the Dysart State High School student pleads for help to end the torment, to help her convince her school and the Queensland Government to step up and step in.

So far, more than 25,000 strangers have stood with Tayla, which puts her just 10,000 signatures shy of her goal.

This is her story:

Video by Mamamia

“My name is Tayla and I’m starting this petition with the help of my mum,” she writes.

“I’m the most unpopular kid at school and people make my life a living hell.


Every day people call me fatso, weirdo, ugly, freak, and tell me I should kill myself. I’ve been pushed to the ground, had people go through my bag, or break my scooter when I rode it to school. Even people in other grades who I don’t know do these things to me too.

Other people in my class throw things at me and film it on their phones. They tell me they’re going to upload it to the net.

One boy continues to sexually harass me. He calls me rude sexual names and spreads rumors [sic] about me which I can’t post here because they are too sexual. He follows me around and laughs at me that I do all kinds of sexual things which I don’t.

I have told teachers many times, my mum has called the school, and I have had school meetings. None of this is helping. I’ve been told to just ignore these people, but I can’t take it anymore. I don’t know what else to do or where else to go for help.

My life is hell. I only beg for you to please sign my petition to ask Dysart State High School to take a stronger stance against bullying and for the Government to stop the school getting away with this.

I will give your signatures to my school and the Government to show them other people want to take a stand against bullying, and that Dysart State High School should do more to protect students like me so our education doesn’t have to be hell.”

If you or someone you know needs help, call Lifeline on 131 114, BeyondBlue on 1300 224 636 or Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800.

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