
Three Queensland mums suspected of shoplifting and scamming with their kids in tow.

A trio of Queensland mums are believed to be shoplifting from local businesses and scamming restaurants – all with their kids in tow.

The three women – who have been caught on CCTV cameras trying to steal from a supermarket as well as running a scam to get free meals from a restaurant – are now being investigated by police.

The owner of Brisbane restaurant Birds Nest posted a warning to fellow local businesses on Facebook this week after falling victim to one of their scams.

She said the women, who have strong Irish accents, are “going around Brisbane claiming they find glass in their food and then demand everything for free”.

The closed-circuit TV footage shows the women ripping off a Gold Coast supermarket. Post continues.

Video via Seven News

“I served them personally. They are a group of about seven – four children and three ladies -and they are unbelievably rude. They came in and totally destroyed the restaurant,” the owner wrote.

“Halfway through the meal one lady started screaming that there was glass in her meal and that her mouth was bleeding. I believed her and then asked to see the glass. This article was produced.

“Upon inspection, I knew that this had not come from our restaurant but they were relentless.”

The owner explained that the restaurant didn’t have that type of thick glass in the restaurant, but didn’t know what else to do.


“I was so scared and terrified of them that I made their meals and drinks free- around $180 value.”

However, the women weren’t finished taking advantage of the eatery.

“After clearing their meals and drinks – which they demanded – they then started screaming at me for their drinks back – Why had I cleared them etc etc. I generously repoured them all.”

“They still wouldn’t leave and their children were half naked running around the restaurant – mums are smoking outside – left children unattended in the restaurant.”

“One of ladies is so all over the place she spills her drink and demands I refill it. Which I did.”

Speaking of scams, is there such thing as ‘preventative botox’? Mia Freedman and Botox Nation author Dana Berkowitz discuss. Post continues.

The woman said she kept the piece of glass because she was “confident” it wasn’t from the restaurant, and decided to post the warning after learning the same women are suspected of hitting up other restaurants.

“Honestly these were the worst customers (if you can call them that) that I have ever had in my life and I want to make sure that they don’t pull this scam on anyone else. For the first time in ever – these people drove me to scream my head off at a customer.”

What is thought to be the same group have also been caught shoplifting from a supermarket in Chevron Island, Gold Coast, Seven News reports.

CCTV footage shows one of the three women putting items in her handbag, before – realising she’s been caught – quickly put them back into her basket. However,  Seven News reports the women have successfully stolen around $150 worth of items from the store.


They also match the description of women suspected of stealing shoes from a Chanel store recently.

Police told Mamamia they were aware of the incidents and investigating the alleged crimes.

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