
There's apparently a secret plan to evacuate Queen Elizabeth if Brexit turns ugly.

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As Britain’s scheduled exit date from the European Union draws closer, “secret plans” are reportedly being put in place to protect the Queen if a no-deal result eventuates.

If Britain exits the EU on March 29 without a deal, UK residents could face a number of economic issues and there’s fears the result could lead to rioting.

According to the Sunday Timesplans are currently being drafted detailing how senior members of the royal family, including Queen Elizabeth II, will be evacuated in the event of riots.

“These emergency evacuation plans have been in existence since the Cold War, but have now been re-purposed in the event of civil disorder following a no-deal Brexit,” a Cabinet Office source reportedly told the publication.

The plans date back to the 1960s, when an evacuation plan was created following the Cuban Missile Crisis.

According to the original plan which was created in the event of a Soviet nuclear attack, the Queen would have been evacuated from Buckingham Palace and moved to the Royal Yacht Britannia.

This plan was later changed when the yacht was decommissioned in 1997, with the evacuation route changing to the remote Scottish Hebrides.

royal family Christmas 2018 Meghan Markle
It's unclear which members of the royal family could be evacuated. Image: Getty.

Now, of course, it is unknown where the royal family's Brexit evacuation route will take them.

"Where and how they will evacuate them is top secret and I can't discuss it. This is a measure that is extremely unlikely to come to pass," former head of royal protection Dai Davies told The Sunday Times.

It's believed the plan involves moving the Queen and Prince Philip from London to a secret location.

"It would be irresponsible if we didn't consider every eventuality in the event of a no-deal Brexit – no matter how unlikely – and of course, that would include the security of the royal family," a senior Whitehall source told the publication.

Both Buckingham Palace and Downing Street declined to comment on the alleged secret plans.

As the Brexit exit date quickly draws closer, parliament are travelling slowly.

While parliament cannot agree on Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit deal, the European Union are refusing to agree to any new deal submitted by the UK government.

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