
This bride just executed the ultimate Beyonce-inspired wedding dance.

To paraphrase the great and powerful Kanye West: All other wedding dances, “I’m happy for you and Imma let you finish”, but Melissa Molinaro had the best wedding dance of all time. OF ALL TIME.

Marrying her sweetheart Bryan Kowalski over the weekend, the singer, dancer and actress surprised her new groom with what can only be described as one of the best medley dance routines of all time.

beyonce wedding dance

Bride Melissa Molinaro mid-Beyone wedding dance routine. Source: Youtube.


Starting with Lil' Mo's "4ever", Molinaro took to the wedding venue's dance floor with four backup dancers to effortlessly shimmy, pop, sashay, strut and sway through the routine while wearing a custom-made wedding-inspired onesie that matched the wedding's winter wonderland theme.

The group then moved onto Beyonce's "Upgrade U" before bringing the house down with another one of the Queen's classic hits, "End of Time."

Part II of Molinaro's Beyonce wedding dance. Post continues... 

Video by Melissa Molinaro

Sitting on a chair at the front of the stage watching on, Kowalski looked slightly bashful before eventually joining his wife and her troupe of dancers on the floor for a kiss, and eventually, the couple were joined by all of their guests.

It's truly one of the greatest and most inspiring things I've ever seen.

Molinaro and Kowalski with their wedding party earlier in the day. Source: Instagram

Sharing a shot of the dance to Instagram following the wedding, Molinaro explained the routine, writing, “My husband always told me his favourite thing is to watch me perform so you know I had to give him the performance of a lifetime! This is all for you boo!”


The video has had close to 200,000 views since being posted two days ago.

beyonce wedding dance

Molinaro dancing as Kowalski watches on. Source: Youtube.

The only real question I have about this is, how much do you have to pay a groom to agree to this? (Asking for a friend, obviously.)

Watch the full performance in all it's beautiful breathtaking Beyonce beauty below. 

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