
Open Post: "I'm in the midst of a quarter-life crisis."

If you’re new to this thing, here’s how Open Post works.

I share what’s been going on in my world this week, and everyone else in the Mamamia community joins in. Share stories, seek advice, talk amongst yourselves or to me – let’s do this.

This week, we’ve got one of our interns, Lindsay, on becoming a grown-up. You’ll either be nodding along or be all like, “21? You’re KIDDING.” Over to Lindsay (and you)…

I think I’m having a quarter life crisis.

It all started when I realised 21 would officially be my last significant birthday till I turn 30. T-H-I-R-T-Y.

My 21st.

Three years ago it seemed like a lifetime away, but now that I am finishing uni in June I can already see the bills and responsibilities piling up – phone bill: $100, car insurance: $1000, health insurance.


Or at least I will be.

I’ve already started reminiscing about the good old days of 18, where responsibilities were low and alcohol-intake high. No one expects anything from an 18-year-old. Yes, it was only three years ago but the days where I could stay out past 12am without thinking about work the next day are long gone.

It’s a weird age, 21. All of a sudden you’re in the real world. People expect things of you.

People I know are even getting engaged and having babies and successful careers. And I’m like huh? I caught a train to work for the first time today and it was the proudest moment of my life thus far. True story.

You’re engaged? I can’t even commit to what I’m having for lunch.

It’s weird because you want to be treated like an adult, to be respected and taken seriously. But you still miss the days of pocket money and dinner on the table by 7pm. It’s a catch-22.

So there you have it. My quarter life crisis – if I live till 84, that is.

But hey, it’s not all bad. Tonight I’m seeing Fifty Shades of Grey.

What’s going on in your world?

Lindsay has her own blog here. 

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