“It took a shamefully long time for us to finally start recognising domestic violence as a violent crime. So it has always baffled me that we’re lagging so far behind when it comes to applying the same philosophy to children.”
A man is sitting in a busy cafe having breakfast with his wife and two of his children. One is a toddler. The other an infant. The kids are getting bored. They always do in cafes. The baby starts fidgeting and then crying. The little boy stands up on his chair and reaches for the salt and pepper shakers.
Suddenly, the children’s father reaches across the table and pours a jug of water over the head of the crying baby. Soon after, he rises from his chair, walks quickly to the other side of the table where he swings back his arm before hitting his 3yo son in the head so hard that the child loses his balance, crashes against the table and slumps down heavily on his chair before bursting into tears.
As the baby continues to cry, the man then grabs him from his highchair, wrenching him out roughly by his arms. It is extremely distressing to watch on the CCTV footage of the incident since made available.
You can see it all for yourself here:
This all happened in public, in front of dozens of on-lookers and cafe staff. One witness called police. Another said the action was “so severe” that diners were shocked after witnessing it.
Police confirmed they were called to the cafe around 8:30am after reports of a male assaulting a two or three-year-old child.
Read more: We need to end violence against children. Here’s how you can help.