Sometimes, I just want to say STOP IT. Stop. It. Stop making beautiful, meaningful, life-changing events into material THINGS. Things like jewellery and parties and…..wait, I’m getting ahead of myself. Two very famous and wealthy women have had babies recently.
Both have publicly revealed that their husbands gave them ‘Push Presents’ – wildly expensive bits of jewellery as gifts for having said babies.
WTF. Does nothing count anymore unless it comes with diamonds and a giftbag? Or a big party and public acclaim and attention?
Both Rachel Zoe and Mariah Carey chose to announce to announce to the world VIA THEIR JEWELLERS, the details of their Push Presents. It’s enough to make you want to abandon the first world and go and live in a Mogolian Yurt until everyone gets their priorities the fuck straight.
I’ve written about push presents before on this post. Here is a recap:
“Having long excelled at making a party out of molehill, some women have a new item to add to their list of Things I Must Have. Push Presents. These are pieces of expensive jewellery – diamonds are usually involved – that men give to women for having a baby. And because diamonds don’t discriminate, you’re eligible even if, technically, you didn’t push. Caesareans also qualify. The point is you gave birth and that apparently requires something sparkly. Because the healthy baby isn’t enough. You need a bonus. With carats.”