Dear Ladies Who Don’t Like Having Hot Wax Poured Onto Their Nether Regions Every Other Month But Do It Anyway Because Of Societal Expectations Etc.
We have some excellent news for you and your poor, bare vulvas.
(And some not-so-excellent news for all those beauty salons that make a small fortune from charging exorbitant amounts just to wax what is really a relatively small area.)
You see… pubic hair is BACK y’all.
There have been many near-revivals over the years. There has been the odd revolution, prompted by those who are really pissed off with the whole idea that everyone’s va-jay-jay ought to be smooth and hairless and all time. And through all those trends, the Brazilian has persisted – even occasionally bringing its younger, glitzier cousin, the Vajazzle, along for the ride.
But this time, it’s official. We are calling it.
Because – like thick eyebrows and double denim – pubic hair has returned with a vengeance.
According to a new UK survey, the majority of women – 62 per cent – said their partner prefers them to be ‘au naturel’. Additionally, 45 per cent of women said that they just couldn’t be bothered continuing to do any styling/grooming, while 51 per cent said they had never even started any kind of hair-removal regime.
Even Gwyneth Paltrow says she “‘rocks a 70s vibe down there.”
UK Telegraph writer Beverley Turner partly credits feminist journalist and general genius, Caitlin Moran, with its revival. Moran wrote the book How to Be a Woman and pointed out that in porn: “Hairlessness is not there for the excitingness.