
All of the helpful parents have come to tell Kim Kardashian she hasn't put Psalm to bed right.

In case you missed it, Kim Kardashian had another baby: Psalm West.

When announced on the reality TV star’s social media platforms, fans had two observations: 1.) How does one pronounce “Psalm” (the “P” is silent people) and 2.) Is that how you put your baby to bed safely?

Yes… All it took was one photo for followers to provide Kim Kardashian with their unsolicited parenting advice, which was of course very helpful and not at all judgemental.

Announcing Psalm’s name on Instagram, the 38-year-old shared a screenshot of a message she received from her husband, Kanye West, 41, which read:

“Beautiful Mother’s Day
With the arrival of our fourth child
We are blessed beyond measure.”

The message was accompanied by a sweet photo of their child, seemingly taken on the rapper’s phone.


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‪Psalm West ‬

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But as the Kardashian sister may come to expect given her 139 million followers on Instagram, fans took issue with the photo, accusing the parents-of-four of putting their baby to bed wrong.



And the very helpful parents took to Instagram as well, with one user posting under the announcement photo: “Who cares about the name when all I see is a dangerous sleep environment.”

“This is how NOT to put your baby down to sleep!!!” another parent added.

“Hoping this reaches other mothers and educates on safer sleeping! The snuggle pod should NOT be used in a cot and at night time. The baby should NOT be overwrapped [sic]. The baby should NOT have a hat on in the house.


“The head should be allowed to release excess heat and there should be NO cot bumpers!!! Feet should be positioned at the bottom of the cot, baby not placed in the middle!!”

So are these concerns for the baby valid?

Yes. Well, kind of.

Australian organisation Red Nose recommends on their website for “head coverings [to be] removed before baby is placed for sleep” and for there to be “no doonas, loose bedding or fabric, pillows, lambswool, bumpers or soft toys in the cot”. They further state that “soft surfaces and bulky bedding increase the risk of sudden infant death.”

So if this is a photo of little Psalm West genuinely sleeping then perhaps there is cause for concern.

However as some parents commented in response to the criticism, the baby may have just been placed there for the purposes of the photo being taken and was clearly being supervised.

One parent remarked: “Someone was clearly around. I mean who else would’ve took this picture? Um maybe Kanye because he sent the photo to her.”

“It’s one picture. Obviously they are paying attention and are by his side if they have a picture like this,” another added.

It also isn’t Kim or Kanye‘s first time being parents. The couple, who married in 2014, also share North, five, Saint, three, and Chicago, one. And something tells us they probably know what they’re doing.

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