A couple of weeks ago I appeared on Sunrise. The segment was on body confidence, celebrating diversity and loving your body from the inside out. I was returning home on Friday so Thursday night I was flying solo and took myself out for a celebratory burger at the pub.
You can find the video here.
And here’s what some people had to say:
“A lot of fat women use having given birth to children as an excuse…. that’s the reality.”
“How attractive, fat and stretch marks, cover that up, I just ate.”
“Sorry, I don’t like it. I don’t think it’s attractive or appropriate.”
“There is clearly a fat epidemic that there never used to be. It’s from lack of exercise except when lifting hand to mouth. Stop being PC and just say it how it is… no excuses.”
“Sorry but if your (sic) overweight you don’t have curves. That’s just excess fat hanging of your body.”
“Embracing Big Macs more like it.”
Yep, there will always be trolls who lurk around waiting to pounce and shit on someone’s story, body or life; that’s just the way it is in this digital world we live in. And for the most part I’m ok with the trolls.
However, there is one thing that is starting to get on my goat, and I’m noticing it more and more. This comment: “You are promoting obesity, this is not healthy.” Give me “You’re a fat pig” and “You’re ugly” any day, but please please stop with the promoting obesity comments.
Let me tell you why: Firstly, NO ONE can judge a person’s health by his or her appearance. Your appearance, size or weight does not dictate your health. I always think about my brother when I talk on this subject.