
The reason these women are showing you these words is incredible.


Warning: This article could be triggering to anyone who has been the victim of sexual assault or abuse or domestic violence.

In 2011, US teen Grace Brown began taking powerful photographs of sexual assault survivors holding chilling quotes from their attackers.

Brown, then a 19-year-old student, created the Project Unbreakable campaign after a close friend revealed her own experience with sexual abuse.

It began as a small, personal project but it struck a chord with many survivors and within weeks, people from across the globe were emailing in their own photos and stories, like this one:

And this one:

The result is an online photography campaign which is definitely confronting, but also incredibly, incredibly moving and inspiring.

Today, Project Unbreakable has become a global phenomenon and more than 4,000 photographs have been included.

It has expanded to include survivors of child abuse and domestic violence and the project’s mission is “to increase awareness of the issues surrounding sexual assault, child abuse, and domestic violence, and encourage the act of healing through art.”

While the initial aim of the photos was to simply raise awareness of sexual assault, it has grown to become a way of giving survivors a voice.

For many, it is also an important part of the healing process and a way to reclaim the power of the words used against them by their attackers.

These days, the Project Unbreakable team tours North American colleges and universities to spread their message and raise awareness of violence and sexual assault.

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