
School principal's remark on girls wearing leggings goes viral for all the wrong reasons.

A principal of a high school in the US state of South Carolina is facing backlash after she allegedly told teenage girls that wearing leggings made them look “fat”.

During a school assembly held on Tuesday to speak to students at Stratford High School about ‘appropriate attire’ for school, Principal Heather Taylor old a group of Year 10 girls that leggings “show everything” when worn as pants.

“[Leggings are] not meant to be your actual pants, and if you have a shirt that comes to here, then you are showing everything. Yes, everything,” Taylor can be heard saying in a recording of the assembly provided to WCBD News.

principal Heather Taylor
Principal Heather Taylor made the comments during an assembly on Tuesday. Image via Stratford High.

"The sad thing is with that, ladies - if someone has not told you this before, I'm going to tell you this now — unless you are a size zero or a two...even though you are not fat, you look fat," she continued.

Concerned parents flooded the school's Facebook page upon hearing what the principal had told the students, in a slew of since-deleted comments.


"You are responsible for all of the kids that go to your school," one user wrote.

"Due to your poor choice of words you may have instilled a lot of horrible things in the student community."

leggings as pants
Taylor told students that leggings would make them "look fat" unless they were a size 0 or 2. Image via Getty.

Others called the principal's body-shaming stance "appalling" and said she owed the entire student body an apology.

"I'm disappointed but not surprised," one woman wrote, while another added, "You are supposed to set a good example for all the students. You failed."

Allison Veazey was present at the assembly and said she felt "targeted" by her principal's words.

“I’m not a size zero and I kind of felt targeted because of my size,” she said.

Do you think it's appropriate for a principal to make these sort of remarks?

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