
Devastating news for Cressida Bonas and her family.

Prince Harry’s girlfriend Cressida Bonas, 24,  has had some truly sad news today.

Shaw had been suffering a long-term illness, and reported suggest he may have died from an overdose of his own medication. An autopsy and toxicity report should give us more answers.

Mr Shaw, a former banker/entrepreneur, married Cressida’s mother, Lady Mary Gaye Curzon in 1996 when Cressida was 7. They separated in 2000.

We’re sure Prince Harry will be by her side, sweet-natured royal that he is. We’re thinking of them both.

If you or a loved one need to talk to someone, please consider calling Lifeline on 13 11 14, or Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636.

Is Lindsay Lohan back for good?

Oh man, we hope so. Disgraced actress/singer Lindsay Lohan – who has spent the past few years in a state of permanent turmoil – appeared cool, calm, collected and sober at the Sundance Film Festival. Is it too early to declare a LiLo comeback?

Here she is announcing a new movie project called Inconceivable, which she’s going to star in and produce.

Just look at her face. So composed, so vivacious:














Her skin is glowing, her cheeks are rosy, and her demeanour is positively delightful. Could this really be LiLo 2.0? Has she got her shit together for real this time? We care about Lindsay, and we hope this is the start of something special. Welcome back, girl.

Lorde’s baby sister can sing too

New-Zealand born, 17-year-old megastar Lorde (whose real name is Ella Maria Lani Yelich-O’Connor) has a little sister. And she has inherited some superb vocal chords, too.

15-year-old India Yelich-O’Connor (pictured there to your left) has released some sweet tunes on SoundCloud.

Her first song is called Say Something. Have a listen…


Robin Thicke in Blurred Lines.

Robin Thicke makes out with someone who is definitely not his wife

Well this is no surprise at all.

Blurred Lines singer Robin Thicke has been sprung nuzzling up to a woman in Paris who is not his lovely wife, actress Paula Patton.

This is the man who sings “But you’re an animal, baby, it’s in your nature. Just let me liberate you. Hey, hey, hey” while gyrating with naked women. Frankly, we almost expected it.

What’s that saying? “Those who put rapey lyrics in their pop songs… Behave like total assholes in real life”?


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