
'Why Prince Harry standing in the rain on Remembrance Day spoke volumes about Donald Trump.'


US President Donald Trump is currently in Paris, France, for Remembrance Day, honouring the armistice on November 11, 1918, that signified the end of World War One.

In an act of tribute to fallen US soldiers and marines, both President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump were scheduled to attend a ceremony at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in Belleau, around 85km east of Paris.

But they didn’t turn up. Because it was raining, and the low cloud ceiling meant they couldn’t travel in their helicopter.

Instead, he sent a delegation led by his Chief of Staff John Kelly, who is also a retired general.

Donald Trump news France
Trump was scheduled to pay his respects at Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in Belleau, but alas. Image: Getty.

Meanwhile, 350km away, Prince Harry was also due to pay his respects at a special Armistice Day rugby game at London’s Twickenham Stadium. And it was raining, quite heavily too.

Walking onto the pitch to lay a wreath which commemorated 100 years since the Armistice in 1918, Prince Harry walked onto the field without an umbrella and as a result, he got wet.

But he still did it.

Donald Trump news France
It's just rain. Image: Getty.

World leaders, including French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau all marked Armistice Day - remembering the almost 10 million soldiers who died in the First World War.


Trump is of course currently receiving his share of criticism for his absence.

Weighing in on the incident, deputy national security adviser for strategic communications under the Obama administration, Ben Rhodes, shared his input on Twitter.

“I helped plan all of President Obama’s trips for 8 years,” he wrote on Twitter. “There is always a rain option. Always," he wrote.


This of course isn't the first time Trump has been accused of disrespecting veterans, but particularly today, particularly against other world leaders, Trump's absence spoke volumes.

What do you think of Trump not appearing at the Remembrance Day commemorations due to the weather? Tell us in a comment below.

We go through some of the best anti-Trump protest signs from his 2018 UK tour.

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