
Prince Harry has been left red-faced after a bizarre "honeymoon" offer.

It’s only been a few weeks since Kensington Palace officially confirmed Prince Harry’s relationship with Toronto-based actress Meghan Markle, but before you can say “corgi” the couple are already being inundated with honeymoon offers.

Well, one. But it came from the Prime Minister of Antigua so you know it’s legit.

During a charity event on Monday night, PM Gaston Browne said: “I am told that there may be a princess and I just want to say that should you make the decision to honeymoon then Antigua and Barbuda want to welcome you.

Harry meeting some local beauty queens. Source: Getty

"We have been voted consistently as the best honeymoon destination in the Caribbean - and one of the best in the world - so there will be nowhere in the world as special to spend your honeymoon, when that day arrives."

Many of the 300 guests visibly cringed, along with the 32-year-old prince himself who threw diplomacy out the window and made this face:


Nope. Source: BBC

Essentially, the same face you make at family Christmas when your grandma asks where her great grand kids are at.

According to the BBC, attendees of the event had been briefed that any discussion of the young royal's budding romance with the 35-year-old was off limits, following vicious attacks on the mixed race TV star in recent weeks.

Apparently Browne missed the memo though and introduced Harry to a group of local beauty queens joking, "whatever is done here, stays here. So do not worry."

He later told the press he and Markle made a "very good looking couple".


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