
"Why pictures of Prince George walking, ruined my entire weekend."



Brace yourself, mothers. Not only does this child rock a baby blue knit and overalls – he’s up.

Yes, the heir to the British throne has become one of ‘those’ kids.

Prince George is walking. And he’s not even one yet.

He’s walking on his delicious, chubby, itty bitty feet. By himself.

I’m going to say it like it is – getting up your feet at ten months is quite a well, um, feat. When any mother says, “my child was walking when they were nine/ ten/ eleven months”, fellow parents marvel at the achievement.

So, when I saw Georgey-boy up on his feet, with his arms in the air like a back-up dancer from the Thriller film clip – I thought two things:

1. Cute.

2. This child is a genius.

Next week, he’ll probably be using chopsticks and tying his own shoes. Hell, tomorrow the kid could probably bake his own cake and update his own profile on Wikipedia.

Walking is a key moment. In a few steps, your child goes from baby to toddler. And they run – everywhere. But that’s not all – they slip over in the bath, they climb onto the couch and whinge endlessly because they can’t get down, they hide in places where you can’t find them unless you’re super-duper quiet and listen out for their tiny little breaths huffing from behind a curtain or a cupboard.

The day the world met Prince George.

None of my kids walked before their first birthday. They did nothing. Just sat. Ate. Nothing. Maybe did some average type things like said ‘Dada’ and ate bits of toast soaked in butter. Many mediocre tricks.

But walking? And walking before turning one?

Big deal.

It’s been almost a year since we met George, when Kate Middleton walked out of the doors of the hospital in her beautiful blue spotty dress with her perfect baby boy.

It’s been almost a year of cute shoes, hats, overalls, chubby legs, dimply hands. And now? A few steps just takes the cake. The birthday cake.

So, just incase you needed convincing, here’s a baby fit to be King.

Just because we can, let’s take a little walk down memory lane… 

When did your child start walking?


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