
Our future overlord, Prince George poses adorably with Queen, Charles and Will.

The Royal Mail has today released a set of six commemorative stamps to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday, but it’s fair to say that the limelight was well and truly on her great grandson, Prince George.

Perched on top of four foam blocks and holding on to his father, William’s hand for support, Prince George is featured along with his grandfather, Prince Charles, and his beloved ‘Gan-Gan’.

The picture is a part of a series of images released with other stamps which feature both black and white and colour images of the Queen in her personal and public roles.

However it is the image of the Queen with her three descendants which will be remembered.

Taken by Royal Mail photographer, Ranald MacKenchnie, the image features Queen Elizabeth and her three direct heirs to the throne.


The photographs are part of a series to commemorate the Queen's 90th birthday. Image: The Royal Mail

Arranging the secret session is no mean feat and involved a high level of security, Even the photographer was prohibited from telling anyone (including his wife) that he had been to Buckingham Palace after signing a confidentiality agreement.

According to Ranald, the session went incredibly well and Prince George was a ‘delight’, despite his parents publicly saying he can be a bit naughty.

"He was absolutely charming”, Ranald told the Daily Mail, “You can see from the picture. You only have a short window of opportunity with young children, but Prince George was on good form and everyone seemed to enjoy seeing him enjoy the day."


Each person needed to be spaced out exactly to allow for the perforations on the stamps. Image: The Royal Mail. 

Initially the photographer had planned on using the yellow drawing room in Buckingham Palace as the session location but after taking a few test shots, decided that the background in the room competed too much with the subjects and therefore decided to move the sitting to the white drawing room.

Because of the style of portrait, each subject needed to be lined up exactly in order for their faces to fit within the perforated bounds of the postage stamps. For George, this meant he needed to stand a top of four foam blocks.

Like any child, it was the bright lights that kept George amused. “He was fascinated by my lights and all the kit,” said Ranald.

Of course each member of the Royal family was dressed immaculately for the photos with Prince George wearing the same Rachel Riley shirt and pants he wore for the first official portraits with his sister, Princess Charlotte.

The Queen chose to wear blue also and accessorised with a brooch which was given to her by her mother, a piece the Queen Mother also chose to wear to her own 100th birthday celebrations.

[Editor's note: God knows, I get sucked in by the adorable royal children. I alleviate my guilt by being a member of the Australian Republican Movement. You may like to join yourself, which you can do here.]

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