
This new portrait of Prince George is completely delicious...

A little royal baby made of chocolate? Yes, you heard us correctly.

To mark Prince William and his adorable son George’s first Fathers Day together (in the UK it’s this Sunday) Swiss chocolatiers created a portrait of the pair made out of 1,500 bars of Toblerone.

The giant portrait of Prince William and his son George


The completed piece measures an enormous 12ft x 8ft and weighs in at more than 150kg.

Food artist Michelle Wibowo spent more than 100 hours painstakingly designing and assembling the chocolate creation.

All of that chocolate-y goodness

She said: "It has taken me a long time to map out the exact location for each tiny piece of chocolate to create a recognizable image, but the hardest process was trying not to eat the Toblerone along the way."

We hear you. My mouth is watering at the PICTURE.

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