
Meet Simon Dorante-Day. The man who says he's the secret love-child of Charles and Camilla.


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An Australian man by the name of Simon Dorante-Day is convinced he’s the secret love-child of Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla and claims the late Princess Diana was aware of his existence in lead up to her death.

In his latest interview with New Idea, his third in three years, the 52-year-old Queenslander has alleged the Princess was planning to go public before her car accident in 1997.

“At the time, there were all sorts of rumours flying around about the royal family, and my existence was one of them,” he said.

“I think Diana was at a point where she was finding out answers about her life, how she was wronged, and she was going to go public with it.”

However, in a composite photo of a younger Dorante-Day positioned next to a photo of Camilla’s son, Tom Parker Bowles, there is a resemblance between the two possible half-brothers, which could bolster this theory. The two men share similar facial structure and nose, but without DNA testing or a comment from the royal palace, his alleged paternity is unconfirmed.

We can kind of see the similarities. Image: Facebook + Getty.

Sticking to his story, the could-be royal believes Duchess Camilla fell pregnant in 1965 but kept her pregnancy a secret. Instead, he said he was born in Gosport, Portsmouth in the UK and has been told that he was adopted at 18 months by a local couple, Karen and David Day.

The 18 month gap between birth and adoption was previously explained to the publication by his wife Elvianna.

"We believe that Camilla fell pregnant to Charles and that Camilla, with the help of her family and the royals, kept Simon until he was 18 months old," she said.

Dorante-Day's grandparents. Source: Seven News Network.

It has also been reported the adoptive grandparents worked for the Queen and Prince Phillip in an unknown royal household.

In the interview Dorante-Day gave to New Idea in 2016, he said that his grandmother told him he was Camilla and Charles' child 'many times'.


"I was very close to my grandmother, and she told me many times that I was Camilla and Charles’ child," he said.

However, in the interview that was then aired on Sunrise, the audience wass led to believe this information was revealed when his grandmother was on her deathbed.

"The last time I saw her, before she passed, was in hospital in Portsmouth. There was a newspaper on the bed, it had a picture of Charles and Camilla on it. I said to her, 'is it these two?' and I pointed to them and she said, 'yeah,'" he said.

Dorante-Day in his interview with Today Tonight's David Richardson. Source: Seven News Network.

In his original interview with New Idea, Dorante-Day said he remembers spending time with a young, blonde woman and being taken to homes in the Portsmouth area.

These interview however, may not be the first time Simon has reached out to the public with his story.

There is a Twitter account for a man named Simon Dorante-Day who was also born in Portsmouth in the UK.

The account has published only a handful of tweets, one of which links to a website that also bears Dorante-Day's name.

However, the website is currently unavailable.

Dorante-Day told New Idea he will continue to fight to obtain medical evidence of his true lineage.

‘I’ve hired Australian lawyers to act in the UK and I’m going to fight it in their legal system,’ he said.

‘I want DNA tests. I want the truth to come out.'

Listen to his story in the clip below and decide for yourself... 

Video by Channel 7

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