
"Dear primary school teachers..."

“My son’s primary school teachers really love him.





It was during a parent-teacher interview last year that it really struck me how much my son’s primary school teachers really loved him. They weren’t annoyed by him, burdened by him, tired of teaching, they really and truly loved him.

We were discussing Philip and his unique talents and gifts when one of his two teachers actually got tears in her eyes, at the exact same time as tears sprung into mine. She had such affection for his little achievements that it really moved her, and that moved me.

Primary school teachers really are some of the most amazing people your children will ever be exposed to.

I still remember three of my primary school teacher’s vividly – Ms Morrow, Mrs Pepper and Mr Cameron. Ms Morrow taught me what divorce is. I had her in Years 1 and 2. She was the softest, gentlest teacher I had ever had and I worshipped her.

“Mum, my new teacher is called Ms Morrow, not Mrs Morrow. Why?”

Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by OfficeMax.  But all opinions expressed by the author are 100 per cent authentic and written in their own words.

“It means she’s divorced. She was married but they decided not to stay together.”

Mrs Pepper was the first one to comment on my voice. I had her in Year 3 and it was my turn to read from the book and after I was done she said, “You know Josephine, you have a really good voice. Have you ever considered being a teacher? Think about it.”
Well I did think about it. I decided to become a radio announcer instead and did that for almost twenty years, while teaching scripture in schools on the side for fun.


Then there was Mr Cameron. He wore the most aftershave I’ve ever smelled on a man. He was quite young and was probably dating some of the other single staff members. He was the first teacher to ever say, “I’m really disappointed in you.” I’d been in a strange mood that day and instead of being my usual attentive, well-behaved self, I was mucking up. I spent the rest of the year making sure I didn’t disappoint him again and Year 4 was one of my best years in primary school, results wise.

“They don’t just tell my children what to do, they show them. It’s so important. They don’t have to do things like that. They do it because they love it.”

If you ever think your children’s primary school teachers have it easy, keep these things in mind:

• They are always at school before your kids arrive and are there long after they go home;

• They attend your children’s special performances on their own time, just because they are proud;

• They really get to KNOW your child, and having someone to share the academic and behavioural concerns with, who is in a position to actually help is a huge benefit;

• Primary school teachers make sure my kids know all the things I accidentally forgot to explain to them, like the history of our country and how long it would take to get from Castle Hill to Parramatta if the train was travelling 60km per hour;


Philip’s had a dream run when it comes to primary school teachers starting with his kindy teacher who patiently took my calls several times a month as I freaked out about him starting school, his food allergies, friendships and other parental concerns. I’m doing the same to Giovanni’s kindy teacher this year, a little less so, but I know that the second I mention a problem she is on the look out to try and solve it. I mentioned that he was having trouble making friends so she and some of the other teacher’s formed a weekly ‘social’ meeting for the shy kids who hadn’t formed friendships yet.

I love the example they set for my kids. We recently did the school cross country and so many teachers ran the race. They don’t just tell my children what to do, they show them. It’s so important. They don’t have to do things like that. They do it because they love it. The same thing happens at the athletics carnival when the teachers get in on the action and have a blast. I love seeing that, how much they enjoy their jobs, how they smile when their kids come up and tell them things, the delight on their faces, even though they don’t know I am watching them.

Do you have a story you’d like to share about your child’s primary school teacher? What makes them so special? Do you remember one of your primary school teacher’s and what they taught you?


Exceptional teachers do more than just teach – they inspire, nurture and encourage students to build knowledge, confidence and life-skills.

A Day Made Better rewards and recognises exceptional primary school teachers across the country by giving them the recognition they deserve.

This year, ten exceptional teachers will be recognised for their inspirational work with a surprise event, $2,000 of OfficeMax arts, crafts, stationery and office supplies for their classroom, plus an Apple iPad.

So if you know of a primary school teacher that goes above and beyond in their classroom, show your support for them today at


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