Everyone has a rare or random talent.
Some talents are great to pull out at parties and others never fail to impress on a date.
But my random talent is my ability to fend off sickness no matter what time of the year it is. Seriously, I think I took all of one sick day last year.
Sure, you could say I’m lucky, but I’m not. I’m no luckier than the people scraping the barrel of their sick leave at the end of each year. But I am smarter. Smarter because I do certain things to keep my sickness-fighting talent alive.
Want to know the secret of people who never get sick? I’ll let you in on seven.
1. Get moving.
Exercise can flush bacteria and waste from the body through the lungs and via sweating. The key is to do it regularly at a moderate intensity (aim for a half-hour brisk walk, a few kilometres of gentle cycling or another other similar exercise three to four times a week) to reduce the likelihood of suffering colds and flu this winter. Don’t go overboard though. Heavy exercise carried out over the long term may actually have a negative effect on your immune system, and increase your risk of catching a cold or respiratory infection.
2. Get more sleep.
I admit I’m not always great at this one, but I’m forcing myself to get better, because sleep is really, really important. Don’t roll your eyes – I know you’ve heard this before, but getting some solid shut eye is essential for health and wellbeing.
Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by Go Vita. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in their own words.
A lack of sleep can have a negative effect on your immune system, which leaves you more susceptible to colds and flu, so aim to get eight hours of sleep a night.
3. Drink tea.
I won’t lie – I love my coffee. But I also love my tea time.
The great health benefit of tea is that it boosts your immunity. For example, chamomile is useful for treating hay fever and inflammation and it also has preventative properties to stop illness. Green tea is great for your health too as it contains high levels of antioxidants.