
"The one product that gave me soft, glowing skin during pregnancy (and beyond)."

Thanks to our brand partner, Bio-Oil


I have always received compliments about my skin. Thanks to my Mediterranean heritage I have an olive complexion which goes well with my beach lifestyle. The problem with my type of skin though is that it scars very easily.

I’ll get a mozzie bite or a tiny pimple and will be left with a dark scar that looks like I’ve come in contact with a branding iron. It also tends to be very oily so I struggle to find moisturising products that, well, moisturise without leaving my skin greasy.

When I fell pregnant with my first child three years ago, my cousin said to me; “Use Bio-Oil every day. I did and I don’t have one stretch mark.” I wasn’t convinced as I had some stretch marks on my hips and lower back from puberty, a history of scarring, and of course the quick realisation that being pregnant meant losing control of everything that was happening to my body. But, I was willing to give it a go. And, guess what – my cousin was right.

I started to apply Bio-Oil morning and night from around 12 weeks with my first pregnancy and from the moment that I found out with my current pregnancy. Two pregnancies (almost) down and I am still stretch-mark free.

"Two pregnancies (almost) down and I am still stretch-mark free." Images: supplied.

Here’s what I love about it...

It has a ‘dryness’ to it. With my first, I was pregnant over summer and any moisturiser I applied to my scaly, dry body, just slid straight off – in fact I distinctly remember it looking like I’d just put it on without bothering to rub it in.  So I replaced all moisturiser with Bio-Oil. It left my skin glowing without the grease factor.


It has a great texture. It kind of grips to your skin and massages in really quickly which is something I’ve found challenging when using other oils.

With a two-and-a-half year old, this pregnancy has seen any self-maintenance go out the window, but literally 20 seconds of massaging Bio-Oil into my belly, hips and boobs when I get dressed of a morning, and after a shower at night and I feel like I’ve somewhat compensated for the unruly hair and nails.

Lauren and her two-and-a-half year old daughter. Image: supplied.

It’s a multi-use, go-to staple for me. Like everyone else in the world, I’m pressed for time, and find it a hassle having different products for different purposes.


When my first was born; Bio-Oil became my ‘go to’. I had small bottles in nappy bags, beach bags and handbags as well as a big bottle at home. Because it was safe to use during breastfeeding I was constantly using it to massage out ‘blocked ducts’ to relieve or prevent mastitis.

It had the added benefit of creating softer skin and preventing stretch marks as my previously flat chest ballooned.

It makes me feel good. I had a midwife measure me at around 36 weeks and exclaim “Oh my goodness, this is the softest, most beautiful belly skin I’ve ever felt!” – it was a nice confidence boost when my face and my fingers were completely bloated.

This time around I am having a caesarean and I have been prepping the ‘incision-zone’ with Bio-Oil to help with my skin’s recovery afterwards. I’m terrified about the challenge of a newborn with a toddler but knowing that my skin is at least well looked after, is one comfort.

Ultimately, Bio-Oil is the product I first used during pregnancy but that has become a constant in my life. It’s the gift I give when I find out my friends are pregnant, the product I ‘buy in bulk’ and the piece of advice that I feel comfortable giving to pregnant people because irrespective of what type of mum you want to be, I reckon you’d appreciate anything that can help make you feel good about yourself.

How do you take care of your skin when pregnant?

This post was written thanks to our brand partner Bio-Oil.

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