UPDATE 26/01/14
Marlise’s family removed her life support on Sunday.
Mamamia previously reported:
A court has ordered that Marlise be removed from life support, after her husband argued that their unborn child was withering in her degenerating body.
The judgment read that the hospital has been “ordered to pronounce Mrs Munoz dead and remove the ventilator and all other ‘life-sustaining’ treatment from the body of Marlise Munoz”.
Imagine you arrive home to find your partner unconscious. You preform CPR and call an ambulance. Upon admission to the hospital it becomes clear that your partner’s condition is the result of a pulmonary embolism; more commonly referred to as a blood clot in the lungs.
Despite the best efforts of the medical staff, it is clear your partner will never regain consciousness. Your partner is 14 weeks pregnant, making your heartbreaking choice about life support all the more difficult.
Ultimately, you decide to suspend treatment, which is your right as the next of kin.
But then the Government tells you you’re no longer entitled to decide what’s best for your wife and unborn child.