
A pregnant woman gave a trophy to the first man to finally give up his subway seat for her.

New York woman Yvonne Lin was eight months pregnant with her second child and beginning to conclude that “men suck”.

Why such a low opinion of half of the world’s population? Well, throughout her entire first pregnancy and up until this point in her second, no man had given up his seat for Lin on the subway. Not once.

Not yet willing to give up hope on men entirely, the 38-year-old decided to create a trophy for the first man who did relinquish his seat and carried it in a bag throughout her second pregnancy.

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Eight months in and despite the designer appearing heavily pregnant, things were looking bleak – until 24 February one man finally did the “decent” thing and gave her tired legs the rest they’d been waiting for.

“He looked up at me and looked super startled and embarrassed, and he immediately stood up and said, ‘Please take this seat, I just noticed,’” Lin told New York blog DNA Info.

Lin promptly presented the man, who’s name she didn’t learn, with the Number One Decent Dude Award she’d made.

In a photo the mum posted to Instagram, the man appeared chuffed at receiving the impressive-looking bronze trophy of a Hulk-like figure.

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Lin explained she had been receiving offers of seats from plenty of women, but was “gradually coming to the conclusion that men suck” before presenting the award to the winner.

She told DNA Info that the award had actually began as a “silly little card” during the final trimester of her first pregnancy.

“If I finally get a seat from a guy then I have to celebrate this some way and make sure he knows he’s appreciated,” she said, adding that no man had earned the award.

That’s why the trophy’s plague reads: “#1 DECENT DUDE. First man to offer subway seat to pregnant woman throughout Two Pregnancies.”

Lin told the website that she hoped her experiment reminded the people of her city – notorious for their rudeness – how important it was to be decent to one another.

“If men just gave up their seats the same amount of time or similar [as women], then it would be no problem.”

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