
You haven't seen an underwear model looking like this before.

Pregnant women in their underwear… it’s hard to look away.

Pregnant bellies are fascinating. Unretouched images of pregnant bellies with natural light and (gasp) armpit hair are even more so.

Pansy is an organic cotton lingerie brand from California that’s breaking all the skivvy rules. They’ve just released this photoshoot featuring jewellery designer, Ariel Clute, at eight-months pregnant with twins and Claire Moore, at four months pregnant.

The untouched photos are not what we’re used to seeing from underwear campaigns, even those featuring ‘diverse’ bodies’.

A very pregnant belly.


“We were inspired to do a photo shoot with pregnant women because of all the positive feedback about the fit of Pansies from customers with growing bellies,”  Laura Schoorl, owner of Pansy, shared with BUST. “We wanted to show that our underwear fit all types of bodies, even ones growing twins.”

Read more: 6 occasions it sucks to be sober and pregnant.

Photographer Terri Loewenthal kept the scene pretty low-key, with a ladder and available light in the studio all that was required. She said they were finished within an hour.

The final product seems to prove that these women radiate beauty, and the standard digital trickery and “enhancements” are just not necessary.

Four months pregnant.

Loewenthal told BUST:

“The pregnant body is an incredibly beautiful thing, but it can be tricky to get the angles just right. We didn’t want these shots to look anything like typical pregnancy photos, so i just kept that in mind while dancing above the ladies with my camera. I gave them subtle direction and encouragement, and when everything fell into place, I clicked.”

*Related content: The 7 emotional stages of buying a new bra. We’ve all been there.

These photos were taken by Terri Loewenthal, who has kindly allowed us to republish them here. You can find Terri on her main website here.

Click through our gallery below to see the incredible images.

What do you think about the photoshoot?


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