
Pregnant woman dances to Justin Beiber. Doesn't stop until her waters break.

Kortni McLady was 38 weeks pregnant when she decided it was time to groove her way into labour.

So McLady did what any exceptional dancer and soon-to-be mum would do – she learned the choreographed dance to Justin Beiber’s Sorry, slayed the video clip in her home and went in to labour four hours later.

Three months after giving birth, the new mum posted the dance video to Facebook, and then spoke to us about why she chose that particular song to bring on her labour.

Post continues after the video…

Video via Kortni McLady

With the video, McLady wrote, “Happy quarter birthday Fletcher James! Mummy can’t wait to embarrass you even more as you grow older.”

We asked the groovin’ mumma what made her choose Beiber’s song and what she thought about the popularity of her video, which has now been shared over 11,000 times.

She told The Motherish, “I’m part of a private Facebook group of 200 women who all had babies due the same month. We supported each other throughout our pregnancies and towards the end we were all getting our groove on to help baby get into position.”

Kortni McLady dancing. Image via Kortni McLady Facebook page.

"We all started videoing ourselves bopping around our loungerooms and posting our dancing bellies for a laugh. It definitely helped keep the mood light when we were all feeling the pressure (literally!!)" she added.

It was the new mum's best friend who suggested that she learn the dance to Beiber's Sorry from his film clip, because she loves it.

"I only lasted one chorus and was too puffed! I shared it for my family and friends for a laugh, I never thought it would get this much attention! But I'm glad everyone is enjoying it and I just hope they smile when they see it," she said.

We're definitely smiling, Kortni.

What did you do, or would you do to go in to labour?

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