
The 21 things you think while pregnant.

Oh, pregnancy.

Those nine months are a lovely experience.

After all, at the end you get to meet your adorable baby.

But it is also quite a unique experience.

Read more: How did you announce your pregnancy?

With it comes, only thoughts you will ever have while pregnant. Yes, I’ve had almost every one of these.

1. “I hate having such big boobs.”

In your teens you chanted to have your boobs grow. Now they’re huge. And you would dance around naked and chant to have them go back to the way they were if you know (a) it would help and (b) you weren’t so tired.

Read more: “A letter to my pre-pregger boobs. I’m so sorry.”

2. “If you don’t get up for me, I will cut you.”

Little do the people sitting in the disabled/elderly/pregnancy seats on public transport know their lives are at the risk from a hormonal pregnant woman.

Image via iStock.

3. "The next person that says 'you should' may die."

Keep your advice to a minimum. Thanks.

4. "Why am a crying over a toilet paper ad?"

That damn puppy. (Those damn hormones.)

5. "I wish I didn't have to pee so much."

No matter how strong a bladder you once had... you will be in the stalls every two hours (at least).

6. "I wish I didn't have to pee so much."

I went 15 minutes ago!

"I wish I didn't have to pee so much." Image via iStock.

7. "Do you really want to come between me and my soft cheese/eggs benedict/soft serve/coffee?"

No... no you don't.

8. "My bump's way too small."

Usually said after someone's said how "little" you look.

9. "My bump's way too big."

Usually said after someone's said how "big" you look. Usually two minutes after being called too small.

Check out the latest ad from Pampers on babies making the best poo faces ever. Post continues after the video.

10. "I wonder if I would get away with just wearing slippers today."

Because putting on shoes is so hard.

11. "I wish I could lie on my back/lie on my front."

I would seriously consider selling my soul for one hour lying on my back or front.

12. "I wonder how I can incorporate my knee-high compression stockings into my outfit?"


13. "Will anyone notice if I just don't do up my pants?"

It would be so much easier this way.

Read more: The worst thing that you can say to a pregnant woman.

14. "If it involves stairs, I'm not doing it."

Fitness while pregnant... pfft.

15. "How can I get through the day with as little movement and walking as possible?"

It could be less if I didn't have to pee so much.

"No stairs. Ever." Image via iStock.

16. "Why don't I have stretch marks?" And then... "Why do I have stretch marks?"


17. "I wish people would ask me about something other than my pregnancy."

A good friend lets me pretend like I'm not pregnant. Even for the 15 minutes between needing to pee.

18. "I swear this six pack of beer is for my husband, not me."

Nothing more awkward than being in a bottle shop while pregnant.

"I wish people would ask me about something other than my pregnancy." Image via iStock.

19. "It is absolutely impossible for this baby to get any bigger."

There is no room. How is it possible?

Read more: “I know you’re being nice, but you’re freaking a pregnant woman out.”

20. "I'm starving. I'm full."

You make yourself a huge lunch because you are so hungry and eat five bites before feeling so full you might explode. Limited space and all.

21. "No, I don't want to talk about how I'm going to give birth."

But thanks for being so intrusive. Really, thank you.

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