Being pregnant for the first time can be confusing.
Your friends, family, doctors and the internet are all telling you very different and conflicting things. (For the record, you should listen to the doctors.)
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It’s not that easy, however.
Because where does one even start?
The list of possible tests and check-ups available to undergo during pregnancy spans pages. So when it comes to figuring out exactly what is necessary to have tested as opposed to what isn’t, a hefty state of overwhelm can easily set in.
So, we’ve done it for you – a general list of procedures to ensure that when your beautiful baby (or babies) eventually arrive, they’re the happiest and healthiest they could possibly be.
No surprises. No third heads. No unexpected triplets.
Here it is: the comprehensive list of all the tests you should have during pregnancy to make sure everything is a-okay.
Ultrasound scans.
When to do it: a normal pregnancy entails one ultrasound in each trimester. Further ultrasounds will be preformed if abnormalities are detected in the initial one or if your doctor has any concerns.
How it works: a sonographer lubricates your belly with some gel, and passes a hand-held probe over it to detect sound waves. This provides a black and white image image of your baby in real-time.