
Mum shares an honest message to the women who hated her birth announcement.

When you’re expecting, it’s an exciting time. And a big part of this is sharing the happy news with your friends and family, which in 2017 means uploading a photo to social media.

But not everyone shares the same sentiment when it comes to pregnancy announcement posts. And not just because it can be annoying, or they remind some of us what we should be doing by a certain age, but also because for many, these posts represent something excruciatingly out of reach.

For the women that aren’t, can’t, are trying and waiting, these kinds of happy posts can be anything but.

Someone who knows this all too well is Amber Stone Williams, who took to Facebook with a very different kind of pregnancy announcement.

“I get it,” she wrote on Facebook. “I know the feeling. That gut-wrenching, hard to breathe feeling. Because I was that girl.”

“The girl that saw yet ANOTHER pregnancy announcement on my newsfeed and just rolled her eyes. The girl that felt sick to her stomach because it wasn’t me doing the announcing. The girl that was so angry that you didn’t even have to try… It was an “accident”. The girl that would cry behind closed doors because my heart was so broken that my body wouldn’t produce a miracle like yours would. I’m so sorry.”

Recognising the pain and anguish that is the “emotional rollercoaster of infertility”, Amber kept it real in expressing her struggle to conceive before dedicating her special announcement to all the women who might be hurting.

Listen: Deb Knight shares her IVF journey on I Don’t Know How She Does It (post continues after audio…)

“This is for the girl who got another negative pregnancy test this morning,” she wrote.

“To the girl who has no idea why this is so hard for her… to the girl whose heart is so bitter… to the girl who has lost a child due to miscarriage or heartbreaking circumstance… to the girl whose adoption process has failed once again… to the girl who has one child but can’t seem to get pregnant again…

“I love you. I am so sorry you are going through this, and I know it’s just not fair.”

How does seeing pregnancy announcements on Facebook make you feel? 

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