Science has advanced but have our values caught up?
A few years ago pre-natal genetic abnormalities were diagnosed via a 12 week nuchal translucency test. Using a combination of maternal blood and ultrasound screening, expectant parents were given a statistical analysis of the likelihood that their child possessed genetic conditions such as Downs syndrome. Gender was usually announced to those wanting to know at around 18-20 weeks via a further ultrasound.
With the advancement in science pregnant women are now offered the chance to have non invasive pre-natal DND screening which not only provides more accurate results in relation to genetic deformities, but also gives a gender as early as ten weeks into the pregnancy. Using free foetal DNA which is found in the mothers blood, doctors are able to pinpoint with precision whether abnormalities occur on specific chromosomes and whether an extra male chromosome is present. You can read more about the test here.
Up until now the test has only been available overseas meaning women who wished to make use of it undertook a blood test which was sent to the United States for analysis. The cost of the test is incredibly prohibitive. Initially fees ranged from approximately $1000-1500, however over time the cost has come down with most recent fee schedules being round the $500 mark. Medicare currently offers no rebate for the testing.