There’s a movement on social media at the moment where mums share pics of their postpartum bodies, warts and all (so to speak). Flabby tummies, stretch marks, sagging breasts and everything else. And I love it.
It’s so important that, as mums, we celebrate what our bodies have achieved in bringing our precious babies into this world. That superhuman effort is, of course, going to leave some scars. We stretch, we hurt, we tear, and we are definitely not the same after it (in body or mind). It’s actually astounding what our bodies can do and yes, that should be celebrated.
However, while I’m all for embracing our postpartum bodies, there comes a point where we need to cut the bullshit and start making sure that we’re healthy.
One mum shared a picture of her body saying she was 13 months postpartum and was eating ALL of the hamburgers because mum life is tough. I completely agree that we need a little reward after all the pain and struggle.
Of course, we deserve to eat yummy things. But when it becomes a habit, and something that is ensuring we stay overweight well after our babies have arrived, maybe we need to stop using them as an excuse for unhealthy habits.
What sort of example do you want to set for your children long term? Source: Facebook.
By all means, take your time to lose the baby weight. Do it slowly, because nurturing your body and mind is so important. Being a mum should be your most important role, not shredding your body.
However, I strongly believe that being the best mum you can be involves making sure you feel good (physically and mentally) and are healthy enough to take care of your littlies for a very long time to come. That means treating your body right - exercising and eating well. It's also about what sort of example you want to set for your children long term.