
Porn sex vs real sex. Explained with... fruit.







Porn sex vs normal-people sex.

There is a difference between the two. In fact, there are many, MANY differences – all based on the fact that porn sex is set in an alternative universe. A fantasy world where the sex is always amazing, the men are always well-endowed, and the women never want to just lie down and read a book instead.

Brilliantly, a video has now been created to expose all the differences between porn sex and normal sex.

Don’t worry – it’s even relatively safe for work. The video utilises different types of food to illustrate the facts.

Cucumbers, bananas dipped in chocolate and pancakes all make an appearance in the video, which was made by production house Kornhaber Brown.

Have a watch:

And in case you can’t view the video, click through our gallery of some of the key differences between porn and reality:

What do you think of the video? Did they miss any key differences between porn sex and reality sex?


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