
Wow: Watch this porn star watch herself in a porno for the first time.



Sex is often awkward, messy and weird. And for most people, the idea of watching themselves do the deed is their worst nightmare. Think of all the faces involved, the body contortions…. The sounds. Ugh. *Shudder* Embarrassing.

Even the people who do it for a living think so. Apparently a lot of them never even watch their films.

Until now. A porn website called has been showing famous porn stars their own movies and filming their reactions. And the results are kind of hilarious.

Coco Velvett, star of Game of Bones: Winter Is Cumming, was first up.

Her response to her own pornographic video is PRICELESS. She’s completely mortified:


Some of her best quotes are:

“It looks like I’m mashing a burrito into my mouth.”

“I look like I almost threw up just looking at that person’s penis.”

“My butt looks like a cracked open peach.”

And her final opinion of the whole thing?

“I just don’t have words to describe… It was bad.”

Watch Coco’s face as she watches her porno here (and don’t worry, it’s all totally safe for work):


If you want to watch the video, click here (but FYI, it’s a porn site).





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