
Australia's favourite porn genres include a few, um, surprises.

Pornhub is one of the largest porn websites on the internet. It has access to information about the hidden desires and fetishes and all-round horniness of populations around the world.

What does it do with that information? Release a “Yearly Review“, of course.

First, some worldwide statistics on the overwhelming amount of porn consumed in 2016:

  • Almost 92 billion videos were watched.
  • There were 23 billion visits to the site – that’s 64 million visitors per day, or 44,000 every minute.
  • The US was number one in terms of traffic, responsible for 40 per cent of the total traffic.
  • The UK and Canada came second and third.

Australia was ranked number eight out of the the top 20 countries for total traffic.

Our position stayed the same for page views per capita. But our neighbours New Zealand beat us in this, coming in at number five.

Your house is full of sex toys. Post continues below.

We are a country, it seems, of “lasting” lovers. (Or porn watchers, at least).

On average, Australians spent nine minutes and 44 seconds per visit to Pornhub, landing us at number five in the “time spent per visit” ranks. Ahead of us, there was Canada, the US, South Africa and the Philippines at number one.

The most searched term on Pornhub in 2016 was “lesbian” and Australia was a big contributor to this.

After “lesbian”, Australians searched for “milf”, “Asian”,”massage” and “cartoon”.


What the hell is “Monogamish”? Post continues below.

Australia is also leading the way with the brand new search term “Overwatch”. It ranked number seven in our top ten and it’s all to do with video games and their characters… Or should we say, “shooter-’em-up”. (Charming.)

We were also, it seems, in need of instruction. In “relative searches” – or terms searched more in Australia compared to the rest of the world – we had “Australian”, “Aussie” and “jerk off instructions”.

Women accounted for 30 per cent of the porn viewed in Australia last year. This is above the global average of 26 per cent. The highest female viewership was recorded in the Philippines and Brazil. Women searched mostly for “lesbian” porn.

Finally, according to Pornhub, Australia is “all about VR”. ‘Virtual reality’ and ‘360 VR’ were the top two highest-gaining searches this past year, increasing by 523 per cent and 440 per cent respectively.

There you have it: Australia’s porn watching habits in numbers. We’re into lesbian porn, virtual reality, and happily finished in just under 10 minutes.

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