
A devastating secret in the plot of Frozen.

We can’t believe it.

Ok guys, here’s a theory about Frozen‘s plot line that we just can’t seem to ‘let go’ of. It’s rather devastating, so if you have any young kidlets reading over your shoulder we suggest you distract them with something else.

Brace yourself.

Reddit user who goes by the name superclaude1 has realised that the daring huntsmen – Kristoff – has a vest made of fur, which is probably part reindeer fur.

But wait, isn’t his best friend a reindeer? The beautifully goofy Sven? Yes.

The sweet little guy, Sven.

Superclaude1 explains that he doesn't think the vest could be made of wolf because the pelt is too large. Going on to say it makes things slightly awkward now.

"In the context of the story, it all fits together. The ice harvesters must have killed Sven's mother, leaving a baby Sven for Kristoff to look after, and giving him the pelt to wear. This explains why Sven is so close to Kristoff too, and why Kristoff still wears the same pelt. The smell reminds Sven of his mum," the Reddit user said. 

See the fur at the bottom...similar to Sven's.

One of the commenters on the Reddit thread (carannilion) says Kristoff is dressed like the Sami people, which is more proof that he's probably wearing reindeer skin. The Sami people are an indigenous group from Scandinavia. They're best known for reindeer herding to maintain their livelihood - using the animals for meat, fur and transportation.

Here's Disney's cuter version on 'reigning in a reindeer' (Post continues after the video)...

So it seems that the innocent 'nice' guy, Kristoff may have hunted down Sven's mother, used her fur for a coat and then because of the smell and being an orphan, Sven becomes dependent on his new owner.

It seem legit. We just can't let it go...

What do you think about hidden plot holes in kids movies?

Click through the gallery to see which Disney characters have made blink-and-miss-it appearances in other movies...

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"The Frozen news that will cause madness in your household." 

"Frozen's almost perfect, except for these two things."

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