
Mum who invoiced $548 for toddler's shoes reduced to tears after on-air verbal abuse.

British mum Sarah Louise Bryan sparked outrage over the weekend when it emerged she invoiced another child’s parents for damage caused to her daughter’s $548 Italian boots during a playdate.

The mum, who is a fashion designer, model and aspiring actress, was reduced to tears during an interview with host Piers Morgan on Tuesday’s episode of Good Morning Britain.

Bryan went on the show to defend her decision to send an invoice after her three-year-old daughter’s red leather boots were scuffed and drawn on with permanent marker.

“If you sent your child somewhere to be looked after by a responsible parent and they came back with scratches on their body…” she tried to explain.

Morgan interrupted to tell her she wasn’t a responsible parent, claiming, “You’re not a responsible parent… you’re the worst kind.”

Bryan went on to talk about all the abuse she’d had over the invoice, and then added tearfully, “You know when I was younger I got abused and everything, and this is over a pair of shoes?”

“What does that have to do with the bill you sent to a friend?” Morgan pressed.


Bryan on Good Morning Britain. (Image: ITV)

Is Bryan the one we should be feeling sorry for?

Bryan has told The Sun Online that she suffered a panic attack seconds after coming off air.

“Producers and people were apologising for what had happened," she says. “Piers is a vicious bully who is trying to be controversial – but as far as I am concerned he has no balls.”

Bryan's controversial email to her child's friend's parents is what caused an internet frenzy over the weekend. It read:

So Isabella has just come home from her playdate with your child and I am disgusted to see her new Italian leather shoes are all scuffed and have a Sharpie mark on them.

Below is the bill for these replacing because they can not be fixed these are fine Italian leather! As a designer I do not want my child to look anything less than pristine.

Bill for a replacement pair of Italian fur booties £325 (AU$548) to be paid by 01/02/2017 before I take this higher. Thank you. Sarah.

that face????

A photo posted by Sarah Louise Bryan (@itssarahbryan) on


Okay, Bryan has certainly opened herself up to criticism with the things she's done and said. But maybe we all need to hold off for a bit.

One thing's for sure. When someone reveals they were abused as a child, our reaction should always be sympathy and a willingness to listen. For Morgan to continue attacking Bryan is unforgivable.

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