
It's official: there are no benefits in placenta pills.

So put them down and step away.

Placenta eating…it’s become a huge trend for new mums.

Even a few celebrities like Kourtney Kardashian and Alicia Silverstone have shouted it’s benefits from their social media.

Just a couple of months ago Kyanne Cassidy, wrote about why she loves the placenta pills her local doula made. (You can read the whole post here.)

Cassidy and other converted pro-placenta mums say eating their placenta (either in a pill form or as part of a delicious smoothie) has the following benefits:

“Consuming your placenta is promoted as increasing your iron levels, reducing instances of post natal depression, stimulating your milk supply and putting much needed nutrients back into your body after giving birth.”

But…we are about to burst that bubble (sorry).

Yummy…PLACENTA pills! No joke…I will be sad when my placenta pills run out. They are life changing!#benefits #lookitup Image via Kourtney Kardashian Instagram

A new study says that the above benefits...aren't based on any scientific evidence.

The author of the study, Eating the placenta: trendy but no proven health benefits and unknown risks, Dr. Crystal Clark says, "There are a lot of subjective reports from women who perceived benefits, but there hasn't been any systematic research investigating the benefits or the risk of placenta ingestion. The studies on mice aren't translatable into human benefits."

In short, researchers weren't able to find any links to eating your placenta and reducing post natal depression, reducing pain or boosting energy.


But more worryingly is that researchers found that the placenta could contain harmful bacteria and substances such as mercury and lead.

Holly Madison with her daughter Rainbow. Madison is a fan of placenta pills. Image via Instagram.

While the placenta feeds the fetus, it also protects them from anything harmful, absorbing it and not passing it on.  Researchers are worried that there could be harmful affects and more research should be done before mums start popping the pills.

Lead author Cynthia Coyle says, "Women really don't know what they are ingesting".

In June last year, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) essentially banned placenta pills after labeling it a 'novel food'. However, since the ruling, many sites have proposed petitions to allow woman the right to have placenta pills.

Either way, the researchers of the study hope that women talk to their registered doctor about placenta pills and not base their decision on what celebrities or unreliable sources are telling them.

Placentas have many uses these days, including art. CLICK THROUGH the gallery to see some of the creations...

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