
Pink's new photo with her two-month-old baby has every sleep-deprived mum saying 'same'.

Ask any parent of a baby how they’re feeling, and you’ll inevitably get one response: TIRED.

Unfortunately, newborns have absolutely no regard for their parents’ sleep needs, and seem to enjoy rousing them at the most unholy of hours (and very loudly).

As a result, new mums and dads tend to morph into zombies for a while.

If this sounds all too familiar, it might comfort you to know pop star and mum of two Pink is right there with you.

The singer shared a photo of herself snatching a rare moment of shut-eye, with two-month-old son Jameson Moon Hart resting on her chest.


It all looks very peaceful and lovely, but the 37-year-old’s caption gave away the game.

“Oh my god I’m so tired my soul has a headache but I’m so okay with it so whatever I’m just gonna take this little catnap real quick wake me up in ten seconds,” Pink wrote.

Sounds about right, yeah?

Listen: The advice all sleep-deprived mothers need to hear. (Post continues after audio.)

The post has struck a chord with the many sleep-deprived parents in Pink’s army of followers.

“Right there with ya, mama!… I miss sleep but I love this little human so much!” one wrote.

“Thanks for keeping it real, new mums sometimes struggle and think it’s only them that feel that way. We are all in the same boat.”

Sleep-deprived parents: Pink knows your pain. (Instagram)

Although some fans referred to this as a 'phase' of parenting, some were quick to warn the singer things don't get much better.

"Haven't slept in 13 years, hang in there!!" one wrote.

Oh dear.

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