
6 hours of photo retouching in just seconds. The results are astounding.

Everyone sees the after effects of Photoshop in nearly every magazine, billboard and TV commercial but not enough people see the “before”.

Rare Digital Art retoucher Elizabeth Moss has now given the world a behind-the-scenes look at just how much work goes into every, single, perfect image.

In a series of time-lapse videos Moss, who has worked with magazines like Vogue, Elle, GQ and Vanity Fair, has condensed six hours of retouching sessions into just seconds.

And the results might make you feel a little ill.

Sprung: Lindsay Lohan has photoshopped her waist into oblivion.

Speaking to Peta Pixel, Moss explained, “These videos are unique because none of the high end retouchers make these type of videos, so the quality of the other before and after retouching videos available online are pretty terrible and not at all representative of what is typically done on high fashion editorials and campaigns.”

“With all the talk about photoshop use or overuse, I thought it would be interesting for people to see how we actually add pores to skin.”

You can watch the magic below and it make you think twice next time you measure yourself up to the models in your magazine.

And even what you might think is a “natural” image has also had extensive photoshopping.

The most important lesson from this? Every, single image you see is altered, so stop comparing yourself to them.

When was the last time you saw an image that wasn’t Photoshopped? Can you even remember?

Speaking of photoshopping, these fails should induce some face-palms…

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