
This photographer tracked down total strangers who look identical. Mind. Blown.

No two people are the same.

Every individual on the planet is beautiful and unique like a snowflake. Etc., etc., etc.

But don’t these photos of unrelated doppelgangers (yep, none of these people are related to each other) make you feel like you’re seeing double?

Canadian artist Francois Brunelle took this series of photographs after he became fascinated by the idea that there were unrelated people out there, that looked so much alike, it is impossible to believe that they weren’t related.

The idea came to Francois because of frequency of people telling him he looked like Mr Bean.

Do you reckon Francois Brunelle looks like Mr Bean (otherwise known as Rowan Atkinson)?

We’re not sure that the resemblance is that strong, but his photos tell a compelling story. Francois spent 12 years tracking down people who looked the same.

He told The Mirror, “I was inspired by 2 things: first I used to see look-alikes all over since a very long time. Second, my own likeness with TV character Mr Bean,” he said.”

“I am fascinated by the fact that a man born and raised in Hungary would bear a strong resemblance to a person born and raised in Canada… Or that a couple, living together just look like brother and sister.”

Do you think these photos of dopplegangers look like twins? Do you have a celebrity doppleganger? 

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