Originally, the term phantom pregnancy was created to give a name to a condition un-pregnant ladies were feeling. Pretty much exactly what the name describes, a phantom pregnancy was when a lady would be feeling all the symptoms of being pregnant but, surprise surprise, they actually weren’t.
Well, I had a suspicion that the old phantom pregnancy was not only seen in women, because sweet darling Barry seemed to be joining me with some of my pregnancy symptoms. So I did some research and ta dah, I found some serious results.
Baby budgeting essentials on Hello Bump.
Somewhere in time, men started to experience pregnancy symptoms when their partners were pregnant, often referred to as sympathetic pregnancy and seen in relationships where the men are very attuned to their partner.
I’m not talking about needing a little power nap here and there. It’s been reported that expected fathers have experienced cramps, back pain, mood swings, food cravings, morning sickness, fatigue, depression, fainting, insomnia and in more extreme cases, swollen stomachs that look like baby bumps.
Hear it from me, this condition now has a name and is called Couvade Syndrome. When men have gone in to see their doctors with the above symptoms, there has been absolutely no physical reason given as to why they are feeling that way, so it must be mental.